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Sunday, 23 January
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Ephrata’s most trusted resource for community events, local businesses, and the families that live here.

Reader Board Display

Interested in utilizing on the Ephrata Chamber of Commerce Reader Board outside of the ERC? Submit your request below. Please check the “Reader Board Guidelines” to make sure your request falls within the limits. Keep in mind the display abilities, adding too many details will clutter the board and make it hard to read!

Chamber Reader Board Usage Guidelines

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to regulate the Chamber owned reader board. This Reader Board is to be used as a source for advertising and promoting local business events, youth sports, non-profit fundraising events and activities, City of Ephrata sponsored activities and public service announcements.  

The Reader Board is not an open public forum. The provision of display space to non-Chamber or City related groups does not constitute sponsorship, endorsement of the policies, views, or beliefs of the group.

Chamber Members in good standing will be allowed the use of the reader board to run approved messages 4 times per year (once each quarter), at no charge.  The submitted message will be run for a period of not longer than 2 weeks.   Messages that are requested by Chamber members will be given priority over those requested by non-members if scheduling becomes limited.

Ephrata area non-profit organizations will also be able to run approved messages free of charge, at the Chamber’s discretion.  

Fee Schedule:

  • Non-members: $50/week with message to run a minimum of 24 times per day.

  • Members (additional above the 2 weeks per quarter): $25/week with message to run a minimum of 24 times per day.



  • Business open house, grand openings, other special events

  •  City of Ephrata sponsored activities, events, and Parks & Recreation activities.

  • Non-profit meetings, events, fundraisers and activities. 

  • Ephrata area school activities and sporting events/schedules.

  • Public service announcements for the good of the community.

  • Other messages outside of these general guidelines will be reviewed by the Chamber on a case by case basis. 



  • Personal messages

  • Items For Sale

  • Advertisements of clubs or organizations for an event in the City that is not open to the public.

  • Messages including but not limited to: philosophical, political, and religious messages.  


The Ephrata Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to approve or decline to run any message due to content and to edit any submitted messages.

Include .jpg files for logo’s or other ready to display messages. 

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Click or drag a file to this area to upload.